What is Basal
Cell Carcinoma?

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer and one of the most prevalent types of cancer in the world. Basal cell carcinoma, also known as BCC, is very prolific, so much so that statistically, 3 out of every 10 of us may get basal cell cancer in our lifetimes.

Basal cell melanoma (another name for BCC) is when the body's basal cells contract basal cell cancer. The basal cells lie in the deepest layer of the top layer of our skin (the epidermis). If we develop BCC, the carcinoma of skin appears as lesions - small rounded lumps, or reddened infected patches on our skin.

The most common parts of our body to be affected by basal cell cancer are the face, neck and hands - those parts of our body that are most exposed to the sun's rays. The signs of basal skin cancer appear less frequently on the seldom exposed parts of our body, which means if we're genetically susceptible to basal skin cancer; it's considerably affected by our exposure to the sun.

It's therefore no coincidence that a lot of cases of skin cancer occur in countries close to the equator.

Basal cell melanoma rarely proves fatal, but it causes cell damage and disfigurement, so it must be treated.

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)

is when carcinoma cells grow in the skin layer just above the epidermis. As these carcinoma cells are malignant, the chances of the cancer spreading are increased. Squamous cell carcinoma must be treated as soon as it's diagnosed. The condition is potentially fatal, and although the signs of having SCC are slightly different to basal cell carcinoma symptoms (skin thickening in places and feeling solid), some

basal cell carcinoma treatment

will work on SCC.

Keratosis is when we have an overgrowth of the epidermis. This appears as a scaly covering on the skin. It then can become rough, yellow or brown and unsightly. Keratosis can develop into malignant forms of cancer if left untreated.

If you see signs of BCC, SCC or keratosis, it's important to take action as soon as possible.

Treat basal cell carcinoma (BCC).

There are a number of different methods to treat basal cell carcinoma skin cancer.

Surgery is one way of cutting out carcinoma cells. Requiring anaesthesia and a possible skin graft, this invasive method to treat skin cancer can leave scarring. As BCC is particularly common on the face, it's not uncommon to involve reconstructive surgery.

Radiotherapy is a method that's been used in the past for most skin cancers. This can result in de-pigmentation and possible depressed scar tissue and may turn malignant further down the line.

Dermatological ways to treat basal cell carcinoma include cauterisation (heat), cryotherapy (freezing) chemotherapy, diathermy (electric current), amongst other invasive methods to treat skin cancer, that can all result in a lack of normal tissue re-growth, or scarring.

If you buy Curaderm BEC5 cream, it's easy to treat basal cell carcinoma without surgery. It's topically applied (used like a normal skin cream) and is an effective way to treat skin cancer conditions like BCC.